Victory in each mission would result in rewards for Bernhardt and his men, the coin could be used to replace fallen soldiers, or purchase armor to strengthen units for the next battle. Orders could be given for charging and retreating, firing artillery, or strengthening morale during the battle, always keeping an eye out for further enemy units which would appear as the mission progressed.

Players could then move their units across the given area and engage with the enemy once they presented themselves. At the beginning of each mission, players would have a demarcated area to select and place their troops in a manner best suited for the terrain and enemies. In the beginning, players would start with four units, namely cavalry, infantry, cross-bows, and a cannon team.

With his men, Morgan would have to take on a variety of missions to rid the lands of this undead threat, with help from several allies and magical equipment. In Dark Omen, Captain Bernhardt would be called upon again to fight for coin, kingdom, and country, in that exact order, although the threat would take on the form of undead hordes lead into battle by various malevolent entities all serving an evil master known as the Dread King. The game I speak of is Warhammer's Dark Omen, the sequel to the even lesser-known, Shadow of the Horned Rat, the first game had gamers take control of Captain Morgan Bernhardt and his mercenary army in an attempt to stop rampaging hordes of Rat creatures from taking over the realm. I turn my attention to a strategy game that was available on both the PS1 and PC back in the 90s, a game that was unfortunately overshadowed by bigger titles of the time such as Warcraft, Age of Empires and Command & Conquer, to name a few. It has been a while since my last remake request so I would like to jump straight back into my desire to see the classic games of yesteryear brought back with a fresh look and beautiful set of gaming mechanics.