^ Why no 'Promote Selected Records' feature in 9.0!!!?.^ a b 'Why ArcView 3.x is Still in Use'.Availability of free open source scripts and extensions created by users using the built-in object oriented scripting language Avenue is another reason. Independent consultants, small businesses and organizations may not be able to justify the expense of moving to ArcGIS and the need to maintain annual licenses. Small scale overlays and spatial joins with basic map/layout creation that tends to be the only tasks done by students are done quicker.

Some users also strongly prefer having the ability to promote selected records in the tables instead of simply hiding un-selected records as ArcGIS offers. ArcView GIS was a geographic information system software product produced by ESRI. Please note that ArcView GIS is an obsolete program and cannot be installed in Windows 7 or newer.ArcView 3.x offers various advantages over ArcGIS including faster start up, faster functions such as dissolve, spatial joins and summary functions executed on the tabular data. This functionality is helpful for the batch processing of similar maps. Users can write automation scripts for executing sequences of predefined tasks. There are options for moving, rotating and deleting any geographic feature. Additionally, you are able to draw lines, markers and basic geometric shapes. It is possible to zoom in and out of the picture, measure separate elements and add text notes to the objects. Complex tables with all relevant numerical values can be generated for further analysis. There are tools for building charts and graphs based on the imported data.

Users are able to create and modify additional information layers for constructing detailed projects. This specialized utility contains instruments for viewing and analyzing geographic data such as country maps and street layouts acquired from different sources. Moreover, you can import tabulated text from an Oracle Database package. There is support for spatial and image files. ArcView GIS is a Windows program that allows you to work with geographic data in multiple formats.